Dec 28, 2016
Two critical vulnerabilities you will want to patch before 2017 and a free tool to keep ransomware off the new gadgets you received over the holidays.
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Dec 24, 2016
Eric “Munin” Rand of Brown Hat Security joins us, Joshua Marpet and Scott Lyons deliver a tech segment on credit cards escaping the Cardholder Data Environment, and we cover the security news for the week. Stay tuned to our last episode of 2016!
Dec 23, 2016
Our very own John Strand delivers a technical segment on integrating Ubuntu with Windows 10. Learn this invaluable skill here on Enterprise Security Weekly!
Dec 19, 2016
Chad Boeckmann of Secure Digital Solutions joins us for an interview. In startup news this week, we talk about why many boom-time startups are fizzling out, the average age of startup founders, why Johnson & Johnson is getting into startups, and much more. Stay tuned!
Dec 17, 2016
Dave Shackleford of Voodoo Security and SANS joins us, Paul delivers a tech segment on his new Linux laptop, and we cover the security news for the week. Stay tuned!